Vet Online


We offer free online Veterinary consultation. If you have any questions regarding your pet’s health or well-being, we are happy to help. We want to promote health and happiness for our friends the animals, we want them to be healthy and happy. 


Integrative veterinary practice involves conventional (or traditional) and holistic (or alternative) veterinary medicine such as homotoxicology, homopathic medicine, neutraceuticals, traditional Chinese medicine, Reiki, chiropractics, and other types of therapy.

The pet owner is another very important and overlooked factor in your pet’s health. Animals are highly sensitive to emotions and energies. Your well being is important in his healing process.

Each approach has its time and place, the purpose is to look at an individual as a whole, including the body the mind and the soul.

Conventional Medicine

Holistic Medicine

Pet Owner

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healing pets with herbs vet body and mind

Healing Your Pet With Herbs

Healing your pet with herbs has many advantages. First of all, herb medicine has always been there, long before conventional medicine was. Somehow it got

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