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Fleas On Your Pet – Home Remedies

So you found some fleas or flea feces on your pet, what should you do? You might prefer using natural home remedies instead of the conventional toxic products that are out there. But, that also depends on how many fleas your pet has. If there is a massive infestation you want to use one of the conventional products. Fleas are extremely annoying and painful for your pet. The faster you get rid of them the happier your pet will be. After you applied the conventional product once and repeated the application after 20 days, you can then switch to natural products as prevention.

How do I know my pet has fleas?

The first and most common sign is itching. The fleas bite the host and drink their blood. That causes irritation on the skin and cause extreme itching. Your pet will constantly be scratching and biting himself. Some animals are even allergic to the flea’s saliva and in that case, the scratching is very generalized, all over the body, more severe, and often causes secondary skin infections and hair loss. You might also find the fleas themselves on your pet. They are dark, very hard small insects. They are able to jump vertically and horizontally. However, you may not always find the actual fleas on your pet. They jump on the animal to have their meal and off to the environment. What you will always find on your pet is the fleas’ feces. It looks like black dirt and when soaked in water it turns red.

Why is it important to treat fleas?

Besides the obvious reason for itching and pain, there can be more severe causes. For example, when the infestation is not treated for a long time, the scratching will cause wounds on your pet’s skin, making it even easier for the fleas to drink off his blood. Eventually in severe cases that can cause anemia. There are also diseases that can be transmitted by fleas. Another reason that will definitely catch your attention, fleas can jump on you too. They will drink your blood as well and make you scratch like hell.

Keep your environment clean

The first thing you should do to prevent a massive infestation is to keep your pet’s environment and yours clean. Vacuum clean your house, your pet’s bed, your car as well. Because even if you use all the right products on your pet, fleas can still hang out at your place in the meanwhile. You can even use mint-smelling products in your house, such as candles, plants, or essential oils. The mint smell seems to repel fleas.

Boost your pet’s immune system

Of course, the basis for fighting any condition, fleas or any other disease, is a strong immune system. A healthy pet will have a much easier time fighting any condition. Wounded and damaged skin is a feast for fleas. Make sure your pet is getting the correct nutrition. You can even supplement his diet with omega 3 for extra healthy skin.

Use a flea comb

Flea combs are great for removing all the fleas from your pet’s body. They also remove their feces and their eggs. Comb your pet every few days to check for fleas or feces. If you do find something, comb twice a day.

Holistic shampoos

Although I believe washing frequently your pet is eventually harmful to his skin (take off natural protective oils), flea prevention with holistic shampoos can actually be beneficial. Choose a good quality holistic shampoo that contains essential oils such as mint, eucalyptus, neem oil. Avoid anything that contains tea tree oil, it is very toxic to cats!

Neem oil spray

One of the most effective repellent plants for insects is Neem. Azadirachta indica. This is one of the most valued herbs in Indian and Ayurvedic medicine. Naturally grows in Iran, Pakistan, India, and Sri Lanka. But you can easily find it in any herbal shop or in your pharmacy. The oil has a strong, not-so-pleasant smell. You can use it as a natural repellent. just spray your pet once a day, one or two sprays are enough.

These are just a few ideas, there are many products, oils, plants, and natural remedies out there. But remember, the easiest way to treat anything is by preventing it. So make sure your pet’s environment is clean, Make sure he is healthy. Use repellent especially during summer. Check with your flea comb every few days for flea or flea feces. As soon as you find something immediately treat it so it won’t get worst. And when the infestation is massive just get a conventional proper spot-on product.

Important notes!

Never ever use a dog conventional spot-on product on cats!! some of them contain an ingredient called permethrin which at a certain concentration is extremely toxic for cats.

Hope that helped, if you need any advice or want to consult I will be happy to help. Contact me here or leave a message 🙂

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