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Why do animals get sick? The real causes

The natural state is perfect health

So why do our friends the animals get sick sometimes? Just like us, animals have emotions, feelings, moods, and chakras. When something is out of balance either in their emotions, way of living, environment, diet habits, relationship with other family members or other animals at home, their routine- it all can affect their energy.

Everything is Energy

Humans and animals, everything really, is made of energy. This energy vibrates at a certain frequency. The higher it is the better is the physical and emotional health.

Let’s talk about us for a moment because it is easier to relate to. When you are in a good mood or something good just happened, you feel full of energy. You suddenly have the strength to do everything. Now you can argue that it is actually the other way around, that you are in a good mood because you feel physically well.

So think of a time or imagine a situation where you are tired, feeling sick, or just lazy. Suddenly you receive some really amazing news. How does it affect your physical being? You will probably jump out of bed and will “surprisingly” have all the energy in the world. You will definitely not stay in bed. And most probably, you will even not feel sick anymore, even if you do, you will not pay attention to it and it won’t bother you.

What then has changed in this less than a minute instance? Certainly, it’s not a physical thing but an emotional thing.

Thoughts create emotions

The origin was something you heard, you received it in your brain, it transformed into thought. That thought gave rise to an emotion. This emotion changes your physiology. So you can see it is all connected. Now you can use this connection to change also your emotional state.

You can use your physiology to change your emotions. Movement in a constructive positive way will have a great impact on how you feel. This is why people always talk about exercising, dancing, or going for a walk when you feel down. It is all connected.

The energy changes frequency and you have the power to control it. When we are sick, when an animal is sick, look for the cause.

What is the cause of any illness?

The cause is not physical, the physical is just a symptom. It’s the way of the body to communicate and tell us that something is out of balance. It’s a signal to pay attention to a certain issue. Normally at the beginning, the symptoms are mild, a gentle warning. This is the moment to acknowledge there is a problem. You can of course treat it with some medication. The symptom will go away but the cause is there. If not treated it will become more serious and more difficult to treat. Think of it as a child, when not listened to he will just shout louder.

This is, in my opinion, the whole base of health and medicine. The natural state is of perfect health. Some symptom appears- it’s a signal.

What is a symptom?

The body is like a map of our life. Every part of our body is affected by the energy flowing through it which is affected by our thoughts, rituals, and emotions. The symptoms give us a clue about what is wrong in our life when we fail to understand it ourselves. The physical matter- our body, organs, and tissues are connected to our 7 chakras (8 in animals).

Integrative medicine

Conventional medicine, natural medicine, and holistic healing go hand in hand. They cannot be separated. It’s like saying we are separated in body mind and soul. We form one entity. So does medicine. It’s just that each one of them has its own place and purpose.

When there is an emergency one should always turn to conventional medicine. It is here to provide a quick fix, a relief. You cannot turn to herbal medicine when an emergency operation is needed. Nor to a Reiki treatment. Likewise, you should not look to resolve your skin rash with hard medicine that can affect your liver or with an operation. In this case, you can turn to natural medicine, even to a Reiki treatment. The severity of the symptom will let you know where to turn to. One thing you should always do though is looking for the cause. It’s sometimes something really small, or not, either way, it’s better to take care of it.

How to avoid these symptoms?

To avoid the arrival of the symptom you should simply maintain good health. Of your life and of your body!

Now for you and for the animal, it’s all the same. If your dog is itching, depending on the cause, I might recommend you to use some insect repellent (natural or not), some coconut oil to ease the rash, cortisone if we are talking about allergies, or others. After reliving the symptom, we should confront the cause.

For example, rash or skin problem often indicate anger, frustration, or incapacity for one to express itself. For us it’s easier to understand, we can analyze ourselves and our life and see where does the anger or frustration come from. Knowing the problem makes it easy to find a solution. But with animals, it’s not always easy.

If we know rash is related to frustration etc…, we can understand it’s either because the animal itself is frustrated, maybe he is not allowed to express himself, there is too much strictness at home, too many hours locked inside the house. Or maybe the animal just picks up the owner’s own energies or someone else’s in the family. This is where your analysis is important.

As a vet, I can tell you the symptom, the physical cause, even the metaphysical cause. I see the patient. But you, as the owner, can see the whole image. Sometimes the problem is yours, and you will have to be the one who is treated. You will have to make a change in your life. To help yourself in order to help your pet.

So, what can you do to keep your pet healthy?

Safety– The first and most important need is safety. Make sure your pet has his own place where he can sleep and rest, a separate place for eating. Problems in that area of your pet’s life will affect his Root chakra.

Food – Provide the best diet you possibly can, the best quality. If you try to save money here, it might have a higher cost in the future. The food you give is the fuel for the body. You are what you eat and so is your pet. Choose higher-quality food and save on medication in the future!

Play – Don’t underestimate this one. Animals are extremely playful in nature. They might have lost it a bit with domestication but nonetheless, they need to play and have fun. Connected to the Sacral chakra.

Expression of his natural needs– As much as it is difficult to maintain their natural behavior when kept in captivity, you can still provide them with some small reminders of who they really are. For example- if you have a cat you can buy him some tall furniture/ tree-like accessories, places where he can scratch if it’s a dog- toys, bones, long walks…. Connected to the Solar PLexus chakra.

Love and connection– Work on your connection with your pet, don’t neglect him, love him. If you are away from home for long hours think of getting him company, a second pet 🙂

Take care of yourself! All of these principles apply exactly the same way to you too. If you want to make sure your pet is healthy you need to take care of your own needs as well, heal whatever needs to be healed.

Let me know your thought, your doubts if you have any questions, some topics I did not cover, please let me know 🙂

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